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Efficient generation of a self-organizing neuromuscular junction model from human pluripotent stem cells

Nature Communications 2023 Dec 19;

Alessia Urzi, Ines Lahmann, Lan Vi N. Nguyen, Benjamin R. Rost, Angélica García-Pérez, Noemie Lelievre, Megan E. Merritt-Garza, Han C. Phan, Gary J. Bassell, Wilfried Rossoll, Sebastian Diecke, Severine Kunz, Dietmar Schmitz, Mina Gouti

Once upon a dish: the next frontier in engineering multicellular systems.

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Sox2 levels regulate the chromatin occupancy of WNT mediators in epiblast progenitors responsible for vertebrate body formation.

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Metzis V, Steinhauser S, Pakanavicius E, Gouti M, Stamataki D, Ivanovitch K, Watson T, Rayon T, Mousavy Gharavy SN, Lovell-Badge R, Luscombe NM, Briscoe J.

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Hox gene Expression ISBN: 978-0-387-68989-0

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